*Walked through Area 3 removing a few weeds such as Watsonia, Blackberry, Boneseed and Pittosporum. It's looking good!
*Found an enormous patch of Native Raspberry 😊
*Was amazed at the way the indigenous Spear Grass had twisted itself into rope and dreadlocks.
*Tidied up the sleeves and stakes around the planting that Fairhills High School had helped us with a few years ago.
*Discovered what we think is Blady Grass, which isn't listed on our flora list.
*Watched a pair of Black Faced Cuckoo Shrikes.
*Forgot to take photos because I was absorbed being in nature!
*Finished the working bee by enjoying a morning tea and a chat with friends.
And in the afternoon -
* Gave a short presentation to the Upwey High School students participating in the Nature Stewards Program. Such a great educational program.
It was a very pleasant day. 😊