Our next event is the Midweek Conservation & Conversation on the first Wednesday of the month from 9-11am.
- Daniel
Our first bush restoration for 2022 was blessed with some tremendous weather and some new faces. And boy oh boy did the weeds turn on a show. Hawthorns, blackberries, passionfruit vines?!? They’d been having a field day while we were going through a pandemic over the last two years. Area 12 also had a strong selection of thistles to deal with. Those prickly so and sos.. Check out the photos, below. Our next event is the Midweek Conservation & Conversation on the first Wednesday of the month from 9-11am. - Daniel Photos by Daniel J Jackson
Saturday was a lovely evening for a picnic and twilight walk. And as is customary for these evenings, we like to tally the fauna viewed. Before the sun went down, two black-tailed cockatoos and a magpie were spotted. And as a nice intermission before the sun dipped below the horizon, the kids present were shown some Victorian Christmas Bush, which they thought smelled like toothpaste. Then encouraging the use of other senses the group heard a tree creeper, kookaburras, rainbow lorikeets, crickets and a bat. At nightfall we saw micro bats, six brush-tailed possums, nine ring-tail possums, numerous spiders and their webs, inchmen marching up a tree, and dragonflies that were up late at night. Unnnnless you were walking with the other group (me!) who saw just one bat, a few possums, and a beetle. Oh, and a rabbit! Now we know where all the animals were gathering, that night! A unique sighting not yet mentioned was an eel seen in Ferny Creek! None of us had put eyes on one before, so do let us know if you’ve seen one at Glenfern and when. Join us this Sunday 20 February at 9:30am to explore the flora and be part of our bush restoration mornings. Just one four days until our New Year's Picnic and Night Walk on Saturday 12 February. Please bring your own food, drink, sturdy shoes, and a torch. There is plenty of seating at the amphitheatre, but do bring a chair if you prefer. The vaccination requirements of Yarra Ranges for attendees at events are still in place, so please bring proof of vaccination status or exemption. There is no mask requirement, but our advice is that it's sensible to have one with you, just in case. ![]()
February 2025