This year was noteworthy in that we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Friends of Glenfern Valley Bushlands. It was a special day in October to see so many supporters, old and new, turn up for this milestone.
I would like to give a special thanks to Andrew Fullagar who has served as President for three years and been the driving force for so many of the projects delivered in the last couple of years. The Committee has been fantastic – as we push on with the planning and organisation to transform the reserve into a bushland haven. We have a dedicated core of about 20 folks that regularly attend our monthly our working bees. These are well planned days that allow us to maintain and enhance our reserve by tackling an area each month to stay on top of the weeds and rubbish. We must also give a special thanks to those that just drop in to the reserve and do their bit. Pull a weed here or pick up a bit of rubbish there, it all helps. We have some wonderful volunteers who undertake tasks to make our reserve and group so effective. Louis Smith repaired a picnic bench damaged by a falling tree branch – what great initiative. Mike Sverns documented the breeding cycle of our resident Powerful Owls. The Fullagars zip around the reserve and do wonderful things in their spare time. And last but not least every weed in the reserve fears the attention of Gill and Paul!
We have many projects on the go; from clearing pittos to upgrading our main gate. The photo is a little something that Santa has brought us for Christmas. A new fence for the off-street parking area. This will be in use early next year.
Thanks everyone for a wonderful year. Glenfern Valley Bushlands has never looked better.
On behalf of the Friends of Glenfern Valley Bushlands Committee I would like to extend our best wishes from for Christmas and the festive season.
David Moncrieff